Healthcare chatbots: The future of patient care in 2023

Chatbot use cases in the Covid-19 public health response Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

chatbot use cases in healthcare

Create or log in to your SendPulse account and click on the “Chatbots” tab. Then, click “Manage bots” and connect your social media channels to SendPulse following the instructions. Then, you have to look at your chatbot use cases in healthcare calendar over and over again, trying to figure out how to align it with the few free spots the clinic is offering you. Finally, you have to ensure that they enter the correct data, don’t misspell your name, etc.

There are things you can and cannot say, and there are regulations on how you can say things. Navigating yourself through this environment will require legal counsel to guide as you build this portion of your chatbot. If you look up articles about flu symptoms on WebMD, for instance, a chatbot may pop up with information about flu treatment and current outbreaks in your area. Chatbots are integrated into the medical facility database to extract information about suitable physicians, available slots, clinics, and pharmacies  working days. But, these aren’t all the ways you can use your bots as there are hundreds of those depending on your company’s needs.

Chatbots Use Cases: What the Future Holds?

Since the bot records the appointments for all patients, it can also be programmed to send reminder notifications and things to carry before the appointment. It eliminates the need for hospital administrators to do the same manually over a call. This healthcare chatbot use case is reliable because it reduces errors and is intuitive since the user gets a quick overview of the available spots. This particular healthcare chatbot use case flourished during the Covid-19 pandemic. The app helps people with addictions  by sending daily challenges designed around a particular stage of recovery and teaching them how to get rid of drugs and alcohol. The chatbot provides users with evidence-based tips, relying on a massive patient data set, plus, it works really well alongside other treatment models or can be used on its own.

chatbot use cases in healthcare

Your healthcare business is likely to be available on multiple channels such as websites, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. Depending on the channels where your patients come from, you can choose to implement a chatbot on all these channels or only on the channels with the highest traffic. Either way, as the number of supported platforms goes up, so does the cost of building a chatbot. An FAQ bot to answer simple questions will cost far less to build than a chatbot to assess a patient’s symptoms and offer detailed instructions on what to do next.

How are chatbots beneficial in healthcare?

And each of the chatbot use cases depends, first and foremost, on your business needs. Only 3 chatbots were designed to initiate follow-up (Japan’s Prefecture Line chatbots (e.g., COOPERA) and CareCall), or recurring conversation (Alexa—My day for seniors skill) (Cases 34, 51, and 29). Thirty-six chatbots delivered use cases in a single use-case category (which we term single purpose), and 25 delivered use cases across multiple categories (which we term multipurpose). The most common single-purpose chatbots were for information dissemination (21 cases) and risk assessment (12 cases). Appendix 2 shows the chatbot use-case combinations for the 15 use cases we identified.

When implemented as a part of customer support, bots can automate the whole process of serving customers, when the support reps are busy or unavailable. The 24×7 availability increases the resolution rate that reduces customer churn rate. Here are the key use cases of how customers are getting the most out of business chatbots. The chatbot keeps all patients’ prescriptions and medical history, so the health track is held intact. Thus, the progress or regress of a disease, the change in the vitals, even the changes in the diameter of a tumor, for example, can be kept in check.

As long as your chatbot will be collecting PHI and sharing it with a covered entity, such as healthcare providers, insurance companies, and HMOs, it must be HIPAA-compliant. You do not design a conversational pathway the way you perceive your intended users, but with real customer data that shows how they want their conversations to be. Hyro is an adaptive communications platform that replaces common-place intent-based AI chatbots with language-based conversational AI, built from NLU, knowledge graphs, and computational linguistics. To develop a chatbot that engages and provides solutions to users, chatbot developers need to determine what type of chatbots would most effectively achieve these goals. Therefore, two things that the chatbot developer needs to consider are the intent of the user and the best help the user needs; then, we can design the right chatbot to address these. Consider a scenario where one of your patients finds themselves in a health risk situation.